- Manoj Thapa
-Patmara Jumla
Patmara village is located in Patarashi Rural Municipality Ward no. 7 Jumla, Nepal. Before establishment of Patarashi Rural Municipality It lies on Patmara VDC. Ward no. 1 and 2. This village is about 12 or 13 Km far from the headquater of Jumla district Khalang Bazar. There are about 200(approximately) houses in the village. The main language of this village is Khas Language. People of this village are so innocent and loyal.
Patmara village is located in Patarashi Rural Municipality Ward no. 7 Jumla, Nepal. Before establishment of Patarashi Rural Municipality It lies on Patmara VDC. Ward no. 1 and 2. This village is about 12 or 13 Km far from the headquater of Jumla district Khalang Bazar. It is located above 3000 m from sea level. While going Rara Lake this village also come in path.
Way to go village
There are two way to go this village from the khalanga bazaar . The main way is from khosha khola and the second way is Chauthara. In 2069 B.S the road has been linked with this village although the means of transportation like buses and micro van are not available till now. People are forced to walk to go Bazaar or by booking a small jeep which is very expensive all the villagers cannot effort the jeep as a means of transportation. Nowdays most of the people go village from the Chauthara because people don't need the cross a hill of Khose Khola. People from Terai region who goes village from the Khose khola may suffered from high altitude problem. So nowdays Chautara becomes most effective and easy way to village.
Population_and_Households of this Village
There are nearly about 200 houses in this village . The population of this village is approximately 1200 or above 1200. Female population is little bit more in comparision with male population in the village. There is one main village and similarly people also used to live far from main village like Chauthara, Salima and Bhateni. Most of the people are Hindus and little number of people are Christain. Number of Chirstain people is so less. People of caste like Thapa, Budhha and Rawat. All of them are Chhetri.
Life style of peole
The people of this village are innocent and loyal. Their lifestyle are
so simple as compare of the people living in a urban areas. Most of the people
are illiterate in this village although new generation are very energetic and
educated. Due to the rapid development in the sector of transportation and
communications sectors the lifestyle and living standard of the
people of this village are increasing day by day. The
main costume of the people of this village are Male; Dharau Suruwal and
Pakha's coat and Female; Dhoti, Chalo etc although due to the development of the
communication and technology sectors
young generation are inspire with the western fashion and the fashion of the
urban areas.
pic: Senior citizens of village
Language of this Village
The main language of this village is Khas Language which is know as the mother language of Nepali Language as the Nepali language are derived from the this khas language
pic: women in a local costume
Main Occupation of this village
Most of people of this village engaged in the agriculture and animal husbandry hence the main occupation of this village is agriculture and animal husbandry. Some of the villagers also used to go foreign countries along with India for the seeking of jobs and employment so they can run their livelihood. Some of the people are also engaged in the military like Nepal Police, APF and Nepal Army. Least number of people are engaged government service.
Main Crops
- Barley
- Potato
Main domestic Animal
- Sheep
- Nowdays some people are started to raise buffalo also
Main Festival
Dashain is considered as the main festival of this village along with
the dashain Puni is considered as the main festival of this village.
Every year in the Purnima Puni is been organized , in this festival
villagers used to worship Dhami. Many
people from other villages are also come in this festival to worship lord
Maharudra. Many people believe the lord maha rudra they used to donate in the
name of Lord of Maha rudra. Puni is organized in two phase Sano Puni and
Thulo Puni. Due to the development in the technology and communication
sectors nowdays people also celebrate festivals like Tihar,Holi and Teej. Tihar
is becoming the most favourite festival
for the young generation as at the time of this festivals there all work of the
people has used to be finished in the Tihar young people used to make a team
and play deausi bhailo. Some other small festivals are also occurred like
Tirtha , Baishakh Puni, Shrawan puni etc.
Pic: During Puni
Khali Patan
khali patan is one of the tourism place of Jumla district which us located in Patmara Village.This patan is naturally so gorgeous and delightful. Many people from the jumla valley used to came here ho enjoy the natural beauty of khali patan. This Patan Further can be developed as picnic spot during summer and playing snow skating during Winter season as the whole patan is covered with snow during this season. This patan can be used as rearing medicinal herbs. As this beautiful patan comes in way while going Rara Lake so it can be used as night Camp.
Chuli is the highest place of this village . It is located above 5000 m from the sea level. Most of the villages along with Khalanga bazar of jumla can be easily observe from this hill. This hill can also be developed as view tour so the no. of tourist increase which directly increase the living standard of people of the village.
Patmara village is one of the most beautiful village of Nepal. This village is rich in its own culture , language and social rites. Slowly the village is developing. I think as a villagers the local government should give emphasis in the sector of technology , quality education and vocational education. The condition of the road also should be increased as many accident has been already happened from that incident the local government should learned the lesson and increase the length and quality of road. Many people of this village also believe in the superstation hence the local government should increase the number of awareness program through different medium. One of the main problem of this village is also health post health post should be established to provide the health service to the villagers. Also another main thing the school should be extended to high level school.
Article Writer
- Manoj Thapa
- Address; Patarashi 7, Patmara Jumla
- Current Address; Nepalgunj 13, Banke
-Email add. ; kshetrithapamanoj80@gmail.com
For any inquiry and suggestion you can contact in a email address.